Patricia Tuxi dos Santos

Department of Linguistics, Portuguese and Classical Languages.
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Miscellaneous Information
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Linguistics, Portuguese and Classical Languages - LIP of the Universidade de Brasília, in the area of Brazilian Sign Language - Libras. Ph.D. in Linguistics from the Universidade de Brasília - UnB and Master in Education from the Universidade de Brasília. She develops research in the area of Lexical and Terminology of Sign Language. She has experience in Technology and Languages, Lexicography and Terminography of Sign Languages, training of professionals in the area of teaching Libras, and training and professionalization of Translators and Interpreters of Sign Language in the sphere of conferences and educational. Research Member of the Center for Lexical and Terminological Studies - UnB LexTerm Center, member of the Sign Language Laboratory - UnB LabLibras. She also participates in the Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Surdez (Study and Research Group on Hearing Loss) - GEPeSS of UFRJ and the Grupo de Corpus Multilíngue para Pesquisas em Línguas Estrangeiras, Tradução e Terminologia (Multilingual Corpus Group for Research in Foreign Languages, Translation, and Terminology) - COMPLETT of UnB, the last two being a registered member of the Brazilian Research Group Directory.