Saulo Machado Mello de Sousa

Department of Linguistics, Portuguese and Classical Languages.
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Miscellaneous Information
Assistant Professor at the Universidade de Brasília - UnB and at the Department of Linguistics, Portuguese and Classical Languages - LIP at the Letters Institute - IL. Ph.D. student in Literature at the Universidade de Brasília - UnB (2020-present), Master in Linguistics at the Universidade de Brasília - UnB (2015) and Specialist in LIBRAS at Faculdade Alvorada (2012). Graduated in Brazilian Sign Language/Libras at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, at Universidade de Brasília - UnB (2011) and also graduated in Portuguese/English and Respective Literatures at Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB (2009). Currently, he teaches Libras 1 to 5, Sign Language Literature and Linguistic Variation at the LSB for the undergraduate course in Brazilian Sign Language and Portuguese as a Second Language LSB-PSL. He is qualified for monograph/TCC orientation and also teaches the disciplines Basic and Intermediate Libras for undergraduate courses at the Universidade de Brasília - UnB. In his teaching career, he taught Libras in three levels (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced) for summer courses, extension project, teaching and research at the Universidade de Brasília - UnB. Thus having the academic-university background, he is also a film critic for the column 'Crônica de Cinefilia' (Chronicle of Cinephilia) and directed the short documentary 'Universidade para Todos?' (University for All?), released in 2013. He is a researcher and consultant on the accessibility of cinema for people with hearing diversity and collaborates in the transcription of subtitling and translation of Brazilian Sign Language at film festivals and film screenings. Experience in linguistics, education, politics and culture. Working mainly in the following subjects: Cinematography, Literature, Cultural Studies, Visual Arts, Brazilian Sign Language, Accessibility, People with hearing diversity, Deaf Community, General Linguistics, Translation, Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Variation, Neologism, Semantics, Lexical Studies, Bilingual Education for people with hearing diversity, and Public Policies and Sign Language Linguistics.