Elton Bruno Barbosa Pinheiro

Faculty of Communication
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Miscellaneous Information
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the Universidade de Brasília (UnB), with work in the Audiovisual and Advertising Department (DAP) and Journalism Department (JOR). Ph.D. in Communication and Society, by the research line Communication and Culture Policies, of the Graduate Program in Communication of the Universidade de Brasília - UnB. Master in Communication and Media Cultures from the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), in the research line Audiovisual Media Cultures. Bachelor in Social Communication at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB. General Coordinator of Laboratories at the Faculty of Communication of the Universidade de Brasília. He dedicates himself to research on Radio and Sound Media and their relationship with the Contemporary Technologies of Information and Communication, observed under the perspective of the phenomena of Digitalization, Convergence and Network Articulation. This approach has been studying the performance of the Brazilian Public Broadcasting Service in the face of today's technological scenario. He is also interested in research and production on the following themes: Production and Audiovisual Language; Audiovisual and Accessibility; Communication in Sociodigital Media Environments; Public Communication; Communication Policies; Communication Research Methodology; Radio Theories; Cinematographic Sound Universe. Researcher at the Observatório da Radiodifusão Pública na América Latina (Observatory of Public Broadcasting in Latin America) - CNPq/UnB; Leader of the Núcleo de Estudos e Produção Digital em Linguagem Sonora (Center for Studies and Digital Production in Sound Language) - FAC/UnB; Member of Intercom's Radio and Sound Media Research Group. He wrote and published the book Mutações da cultura mediaiática radiofônica: a nova praxis na produção de conteúdos digitais (2012). He is the organizer of the works: Escutas sobre Políticas de Comunicação e de Cultura - Conceitos, Métodos, Análises (Listening on Communication and Culture Policies - Concepts, Methods, Analyses) - 2018; Pesquisa e Produção em Linguagem Sonora: Experiência Compartilhadas (Research and Production in Sound Language: Shared Experience ) - 2018; and one of the organizers of the collective works: Rádio - Estudos Contemporâneos (Radio - Contemporary Studies) - 2018; Práticas e Tensionamentos Contemporâneos no Ensino do Jornalismo (Contemporary Practices and Tensions in Journalism Teaching) - 2018; Culturas Midiáticas Audiovisuais - Estudos (Audiovisual Media Cultures - Studies) - 2014.